News Category: Club
2024 AIB Munster Club Championship Draws confirmed
The draws for the 2024 AIB Munster Club Hurling and Football Championships took place at a meeting of the Munster CCC on Thursday July 25th.
Ómós, Oidhreacht, Tír is Teanga
Ag seoladh Chraobh Uile – Éireann san Iomáint in Ionad Mhíchíl Cíosóg sa Bhoireann, i Co. an Chláir i mbliana, bhí deis ag Aedín Ní Bhriain, Oifigeach Forbartha Gaeilge CLG na Mumhan, dreas cainte a dhéanamh le hUachtarán CLG, Iarlaith Ó Broin.
GAA president shares some insights on Gaeilge, identity, tradition and innovation.
Job Posting – Games Development Coordinator (Cork)
The GAA, in conjunction with Munster GAA and Cork GAA, are now welcoming applications for the role of GAA Games Development Coordinator in County Cork.
All roads lead to Cill na Martra this weekend as Munster hosts Comórtas Peile na Gaeltachta. Bígí linn!
The GAA’s annual Comórtas Peile na Gaeltachta will take place in the West Cork Gaeltacht of Múscraí between the 31st of May and the 3rd of June and will be hosted by local club CLG Chill na Martra.
23,820 Euro investment in clubs through the Joe McDonagh Grant. Fondúireacht Sheosaimh Mhic Dhonncha ag dul ó neart go neart.
Over the course of the last number of weeks, Glór na nGael and Cumann Luthchleas Gael have invested EUR 23,820 to help promote the Irish language through the Sheosaimh Mhic Dhonncha Foundation scheme.
Scoláireachtaí CLG na Mumhan / Munster GAA Gaeltacht Scholarship Winners!
Buaiteoirí! Comhghairdeas leis na daoine óga go léir a sheol físeán isteach chugainn. Rinne sibh gaisce – maith sibh uilig.
Craobh Scór Sinsir na Mumhan 2024
Five counties share the spoils at the 2024 Munster Scór Sinsir Finals with a capacity crowd in Newport.
Recruiting Stewards and Match Day Staff for Munster GAA Championship Games
Munster GAA is now recruiting stewards and match day staff to work on a casual basis at Munster GAA Championship Games.
Scoláireachtaí / Scholarships
Munster GAA is delighted to announce a new scholarship competition for second-level students aged between 12–17 years, wishing to attend a Gaeltacht course this Summer (minimum stay 2 weeks).
Tá lúcháir ar CLG na Mumhan comórtas nua scoláireachta a fhógairt do scoláirí iar-bhunscoile idir 12-17 bliana d’aois ar mian leo freastal ar chúrsa Gaeltachta an samhradh seo (tréimhse 2 sheachtain ar a laghad).
Another 46 clubs from Munster sign up to Irish Life GAA Healthy Clubs programme
Irish Life GAA Healthy Clubs programme welcomed 46 GAA clubs from Munster on Saturday, 9th March, for the National Orientation Day in Croke Park.
Seachtain na Gaeilge faoi lánseol i CLG na Mumhan
Tá Seachtain na Gaeilge go maith faoi lánseol ag an tráth seo le himeachtaí Gaeilge á n-eagrú fud fad na tíre agus iarrachtaí móra ar bun ag daoine a gcuid Gaeilge a chleachtadh mar chuid den fhéile.
Déanfaimis Ceiliúradh Ar Sheachtain Na Gaeilge / Let’s Celebrate Irish!
Tacaíonn Cumann Lúthchleas Gael le cur chun cinn na Gaeilge, an damhsa Ghaelaigh, an cheoil, na hamhránaíochta agus an chultúir Ghaelaigh i gcoitinne. Chun an ról sin a chomhlíonadh tá struchtúir éagsúla i bhfeidhm ag Cumann Lúthchleas Gael.