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GAA / UCD Community entrepreneurship programme
We are delighted to announce the arrival of the GAA-UCD Community entrepreneurship programme to the Munster region. The GAA and the Innovation Academy UCD through the Community Entrepreneurship Programme are providing very direct support to individuals living in rural communities to take that step to becoming self-employed. This is about job creation, about maintaining vibrant and economically successful communities and providing a viable alternative to emigration.
The collaboration will build on the combined strengths of the two parties, (i) community participation on the part of the GAA, (ii) action based entrepreneurial education as developed by the UCD Innovation Academy on the part of UCD.
The next course is kindly hosted by the Munster GAA office in Limerick. Its a 18 week part-time course (Every Tuesday/Wednesday) and participants can apply for a free place through Springboard courses. The next course commences on Tuesday May the 20th, but places can be secured until the 28th of May.
We are holding an information evening on Tuesday the 13th of May between 5 and 8pm in the GAA Munster Head quarters (Limerick) where people will be able to come and find out more about this powerful GAA-UCD programme.
This programme is being Championed by a great Munster Entrepreneur in Frank Murphy (CEO Monex).
Attached are more details of the course and we hope you can distribute this information to anyone you feel might benefit from this course.